La mejor parte de agencia de marketing españa

La mejor parte de agencia de marketing españa

Blog Article

A.Each package containing retail-ready medical marijuana products must be labeled with all required information pursuant to § 1.5 of this Part before being sold to a registered patient, registered primary caregiver or authorized purchaser.

E.All packages containing retail-ready medical marijuana products must be clearly labeled with the following information:

G.Lavatory facilities and hand washing areas shall be kept clean and sanitary and in working condition at all times.

a.The authorized transport cardholders must have on their persons their compassion center or licensed cultivator registry identification cards and the detailed transport manifest; and

3.Unless DBR issues notice otherwise permitting new license applications, only Micro-license, Class A, and Class B applications will be accepted. An applicant who is considering eventually applying to operate agencia de marketing españa a larger facility may detail any such plan on the application.

1.Applications for compassion centers may only be submitted to DBR for consideration during an open application period announced by DBR. Open application periods will only be announced upon the availability of a compassion center license such Campeón may be due to an expansion in the limit of available licenses, the failure of a qualified applicant to be selected through the application process Ganador described in § 1.

4.A licensed cultivator must submit to DBR an annual license fee. The annual license fee shall be determined by the below table and must be paid in full before a license will be issued or renewed.

d.Contact DBR to coordinate the pre-license DBR inspection. Nothing in this paragraph should be construed as limiting inspections at an earlier time in addition to the final pre-license inspection.

a.In the case of key person/interest holder applicants, DBR shall limit its disclosure of the purpose to a statement of the fact that disqualifying information was found, without revealing to the compassion center or licensed cultivator any further detail of the offense.

B.Any list(s) of the persons to whom DOH and/or DBR have issued registry identification card shall be maintained confidentially.

B.Until otherwise approved by DBR, home delivery of medical marijuana shall be limited to Rhode Island patient cardholders who:

2. In the course of promoting a licensee’s brand, medical marijuana or medical marijuana products, a licensee may not advertise or cause any advertising or agent to advertise in a manner that:

1.Any compassion center authorized transport vehicle carrying marijuana and marijuana products to patients pursuant to an approved patient home delivery plan shall only stop at the patient addresses listed on the detailed transport manifests.

6.Medical Marijuana Ingestibles in liquid form with multiple serving units must include within the package:

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